Watch "A Fellow's Tale: Dave Watson's Mountain Story"
« A Fellow's Tale: Dave Watson's Mountain Story »
Dive deep into the world of Vuarnet’s Fellowship Alpine Emissary Program through A Fellow’s Tale: Mountain Stories, a collection of alpine vignettes.
« I never wanted to go to Everest [...] I just felt it was a good opportunity to go. So I did. And it just changed my life. »
What is the cost of a mountain's call? Dave Watson is a professional climber and skier, father of three amazing children, and seeker of fun. He started his career in the mountains as a sponsored skier and climber. At 28 he was asked to go to Mount Everest, a journey that would transform his life and what he seeks to pursue within it. In his Tale, Dave contemplates his mortality in the pursuit of communing with the Himalayas and the wild spaces he is inherently drawn to. His personal climbing pursuits have taken him around the world, and he just returned from his fourth successful summit of Mount Everest.

A Fellow’s Tale: Mountain Stories is a collection of vignettes from the Vuarnet Fellowship Alpine Emissary Program. Vuarnet Fellows are relentless explorers and athletes, just as Vuarnet is relentless in our dedication to craftsmanship and quality protection. The Fellowship is an inclusive space that fosters an extraordinary sense of community in celebration of our inherent quest to commune with the mountains. A Fellow’s Tale explores the human side of experience, the desire to transcend ourselves and our Fellows’ essential need to pursue their particular paths in life.