New opus from our manufacture, we recently introduce the Nightlynx. This new lens is unique as it combines the benefits of mineral glass with exceptional visual acuity in low light condition. It did not take more to convince Vincent Perraud to test it in real conditions. True lovers of road-trip and old-fashioned ride, he did not hesitate to test this new technology on the roads of his region, accompanied by his half, Sev Pieto.
Photo credit: Vince Perraud & Sev Pieto
Hi Vince, for those who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself?
Hello! I am from Burgundy in France and I have been a photographer for about ten years. Thanks to this job, I try to travel as much as possible… I am feeling lucky to be really passionate by what I do.
How did you become a photographer? What attracts you in this practice and how do you take on it?
I started to shoot because of BMX, I was passionate, but not very good at it, and after an injury I had to stay immobilized for about 1 year… We will say it was a blessing in disguise! I have always wanted to work in the audiovisual sector, but without really knowing which disciplines. Photography quickly seemed to be a good way to stay connected to BMX. Movement and action have always attracted me, it is also one of the solutions I found to not get stuck in an office all week long!
Do you remember the first time you said, “That’s what I want to do! ”
Yes, it was at the end of my design studies, that I interrupted during the last year by the way… I thought to myself nothing ventured, nothing gained. I did not want to have regrets and when we are passionate and motivated, nothing seems impossible!
Are you more film photography or digital?
Well… Good question! I would like to say film, that is what I started with, but honestly I do not use it as much as I would like to… Today everything goes so fast! Customers would like to get pictures before they are even taken! But I continue to work with it for personal series…
Your imagination is often related to cars and road trips, what can you tell us about it?
I have always loved road trips and adventure. It started with BMX, I was exploring cities thoroughly when I was shooting for magazines! But with time (and age), desires change. To me, cars are one of the best ways to make a trip! And there is so much to discover, you can go to the other end of the world as 10 km away from your home while having as much fun!
What does the ride represent for you?
This represents escape! To go to the unknown and to meet people…
For this Vuarnet Day, you could try the Nightlynx, a new mineral lens that we have just developed for low light conditions. What did you think about it?
I was amazed by the contrasts! Especially when you drive old cars that do not light too much…
By the way, when you’re on the road, what are your essentials elements?
Today I would say my partner in crime Sev Pieto with whom I share all my trips!
Otherwise the classics: my passport, a camera and my Vuarnet of course!
What are your future projects?
There are many right now! I’m working on a personal book and with Sev, we are restoring an old 68 Porsche. Concurrently, we continue to travel to photograph, so we do not have too much time to be bored…
And finally, what would be your Vuarnet Day?
I do not really have a precise plan, but a sunrise in a Californian desert, with my beloved Sev, would already be a good mood, to this, you add a cruise with a Porsche, of course, a drink at the end of the day and it’s perfect!