Carly Margulies

Carly Margulies

My name is Carly Margulies and I am a member of the US Woman’s Halfpipe Ski Team, as well as a 2022 Winter Olympian. I have been skiing since the ripe age of 3 years old and have been competing in halfpipe skiing for 13 years now. I plan to continue skiing, with goals of competing in the next 2026 Olympic Games in Italy. Outside of skiing, I have obtained my bachelors degree in Cognitive Psychology and plan to acquire a PhD in Neuropsychology at some point down the road. My main interests in life are skiing, thrift shopping, finding good food where ever I may be, being in the outdoors, and learning more and more about mental health.

Favorite products


Black matte - Grey Polar
CHF 320.00


White - Pure Grey Silver Flash
CHF 350.00


Blue - Blue Polarlynx
CHF 355.00


What is your motto?

This too shall pass.
So it goes.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Making the 2022 Olympic team after having not competed for 2 years and tearing my meniscus just 2 months prior. 

What does Vuarnet represent to you?

Vuarnet represents a company that virtues it's athletes above all else and values feedback at any point.